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WDS Commemorates September 11 and Honors Fallen Heroes

Academic Monday, 16 Sep 2024

Earlier last week, Westchester Day School held a poignant ceremony with our 5th to 8th graders to mark the anniversary of September 11th. The event included a candle lighting ceremony, a moving program, and ended with students reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing the Star-Spangled Banner. To express their reflections on how to make the world a better place, students wrote their thoughts on post-it notes, which are now displayed on a board in our school shul for the entire school community to see. 

In addition, our middle school students participated in a tekes (memorial ceremony), to honor the six hostages who tragically lost their lives the week prior. The ceremony highlighted their remarkable strength, unity (achdut), and faith (emunah). Echoing the sentiment from the Second Book of Samuel, Chapter 1, Verse 23, “In life and in death, they were not divided,” we remember and celebrate their legacy. 

May their memories be a blessing to all.