News & Events
Keep up-to-date with the latest news happenings at Westchester Day School.
WDS turned green in solidarity...
Our entire school was filled with green today as students proudly dressed in the color...
Grade 2 Celebrates Chag HaTorah
This past Friday, our second graders gathered with family, teachers, and peers to mark a...
Westchester Day School Wildcats Win...
The energy was electric as the Westchester Day School Wildcats faced off against JEC (Jewish...
WDS Goes Pink for Sharsheret...
Today, our 5th-8th grade students filled WDS with the color pink for , coming together...
Bracha Bowl 5785
Over the past few weeks, our 3rd–5th grade students have been immersed in learning the...
Bringing Learning to Life at...
To conclude their semester of studying the Long Island Sound, fifth graders embarked on an...
Author and illustrator Sari Kopitnikoff...
Our 5th–8th graders had an unforgettable visit with author and illustrator Sari Kopitnikoff (@thatjewishmoment)! She...
Kindergarten Takes Action for the...
This month in Science with Morah Monica Klein, our Kindergarten environmentalists explored pollution, recycling, and...
4th Grade Mesibat Navi Ceremony!
Our 4th graders proudly celebrated their Mesibat Navi, bringing their studies of Sefer Yehoshua to...