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Hachnasat Sefer Torah and Fall Festival

Academic Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Our Westchester Day School community gathered for a truly memorable and joyous occasion at our annual Fall Festival, where we dedicated two newly restored Sifrei Torah. The event, filled with live music, dancing, and a Hachnasat Sefer Torah parade, was a beautiful celebration of achdut (unity) and resilience as we prepared to enter the Jewish New Year of 5785.

The dedication of the first Torah, generously donated by WDS parents Jessica and Jonathan Katz, took place in conjunction with World Mizrachi’s global Simchat Torah Project, honoring the memory of the 1,200 neshamot (souls) who were tragically killed on October 7th and during the ensuing war. One of the chayalim (soldiers) who fell in Gaza, was connected to the WDS Community. Yitzhar Hoffman (z’l) was the uncle of Rotem Talman, one of our beloved Bnot Sherut last year, and a close friend of Moreh Adiel Biton, a Middle School Gemara teacher at WDS. The me’il (cover) of this Torah now bears his name, ensuring his legacy is intertwined with our prayers and learning.

We also extend our heartfelt appreciation to Staci & Jack Bodner, for dedicating the second WDS Community Torah in honor of their children, Leo ('18), Noah ('18), Eli ('22), & Oscar ('25) and the incredible education provided here at WDS. This Torah symbolizes the strength and unity of our kehilah (community).

The event was filled with excitement, as children of all ages participated in experiential and educational activities designed to bring the mitzvah of Torah to life. The Hachnasat Sefer Torah parade was a highlight, with students, families, and staff all joining together in prayer and song as we joyfully ushered the two Sifrei Torah into their new home in the WDS shul.

This moving event brought together WDS families in a mitzvah that will shape our school for years to come. Our Torah Restoration Project and enhancements to our WDS shul were made possible through the outpouring of love and generosity of our WDS community. We are so grateful for all who participated and joined us in celebration. We warmly invite families to join us for Middle School davening throughout the year and experience the joy of using these beautifully restored Sifrei Torah in our WDS shul.

As we move forward into the new year, we carry with us the joy, unity, and inspiration of this day, knowing that the Torahs will continue to guide and uplift our community. The opportunity to participate in the repair and dedication of a Sefer Torah is rare and momentous, especially for a Jewish day school.

In the spirit of Kohelet’s words and the Simchat Torah Project, we embraced both the time for weeping and the time for dancing, creating a legacy of hope and resilience for future generations.