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Bracha Bowl 5785

Academic Thursday, 27 Feb 2025

Over the past few weeks, our 3rd–5th grade students have been immersed in learning the halachot that guide which brachot we recite on various foods, smells, experiences, and mitzvot. Their hard work culminated in today’s exciting annual WDS Bracha Bee!

Mazal Tov to David (5th grade), our Bracha Bee champion! Kudos to Liana (5th grade) as runner-up, along with Lexi (4th grade) and Arthur (3rd grade), the highest finishers in their respective grades. These four students will proudly represent WDS as a team at the regional Bracha Bowl, hosted by Yeshivat Noam. We are so proud of all our students for their dedication and enthusiasm—hatzlacha rabba to our WDS representatives!