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Grandparents & Special Friends Day

Grandparents & Special Friends Day is a beloved WDS tradition that celebrates the special bond between generations, L'Dor v Dor. It’s a day filled with such nachas, connection, and pride as our students share their learning, growth, and passion with the important people in their lives.

From heartfelt moments during morning davening on our beautiful 26 acre campus, to creative classroom activities and multigenerational collaborations, the day reflects the vibrant spirit and ruach of our community. Together, we honor our mesorah, instill pride in our heritage, and lay a strong foundation for the next generation of Jewish WDS leaders.

We are deeply grateful for the love, support, and presence of our extended WDS family, which makes this event so meaningful. 

Thank you for being an integral part of our students’ journey!

View images from our Grandparents and Special Friends event 2024

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