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Fourth Grade Curriculum

In fourth grade General Studies, students are introduced to more advanced skills in English Language Arts, such as vocabulary and grammar, in order to craft a well structured paragraph. Students read a variety of novels and discuss the books in different groups. Students are introduced to note taking as they study the Native Americans in NY as well as early colonial times. Public speaking skills are emphasized this year, culminating in a Wax Museum where students showcase their research and public speaking skills. In math, students begin to explore complex multiplication and division rules as well as how to add and subtract fractions and decimals. In Judaic Studies, students continue to learn Chumash and Ivrit using Granite Ivrit and L’havin U’lehaskil. There continues to be a strong emphasis on working B’chavruta (in pairs) and using Rashi to analyze the tests. This year, students are introduced to Navi (Prophets) as they study Sefer Yehoshua (the Book of Joshua).