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Third Grade Curriculum

In third grade General Studies, students begin to transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn'' as they dive into more advanced content in reading, writing, math, social studies, and science. As students begin to study vocabulary and grammar, these skills carry over into their writing as they are now able to write longer, more complex narratives and informational pieces. Students begin to read novels in reading groups, having rich discussions to further advance their comprehension skills. In social studies and science, the focus is on various ecosystems around the world. Students become researchers and learn how to draft short reports, with teacher support. In math, students begin to explore more advanced addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and basic division. There is a strong emphasis on problem solving skills as well. In Judaic Studies, third graders continue to use Granite Ivrit and L’havin U’lehaskil and are becoming more proficient in speaking in Hebrew and navigating the Chumash independently. This year, they begin to study Rashi, which culminates in the annual Rashi Play, a key third grade milestone event. In addition to learning about the holidays and weekly Parshiyot, students begin to work b’chavruta - "in pairs'' as they hone their textual analysis skills.