ReLiSH, which stands for Ruach Lifnei Shabbat, is a weekly Oneg Shabbat introduced to Middle School last year and quickly rose to the top of the "student favorite" programming. It is held during lunch with cholent, kugel, singing, and Torah. While it is an optional program, we are excited to see so many of the students joining! Your sponsorship is truly impactful, helping to offset the cost of food and bring an extra layer of Heimish ruach - setting the right vibe for our students going into Shabbat.
Sponsoring ReLiSH is a wonderful way to acknowledge a special milestone, a faculty member, or a Wildcat Win! Suggested sponsorship is $100 for Kiddish-style franks & blanks and chicken fingers, or $300 Shabbas Special - cholent & kugel. Help us keep the ruach going all month long with a 4-week sponsorship for $1,000.